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Eggs Are a Great Food for Optimal Oral Health
Cambridge, OH

Posted on 10/5/2020 by OHIOSmiles
Image of a person eating eggs and salad.Eggs provide a plethora of benefits to your general oral health. They include important vitamins and minerals, more than most other foods do specifically. They provide protein, vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus, all of which are necessary for your diet.

Why Eggs are a Superfood for Your Oral Health

Eggs contain a large amount of vitamin D and phosphorus, both of which are necessary components in building strong teeth and health improve gum health. Phosphorus works alongside calcium to strengthen your jawbones and teeth, which help prevent your teeth from falling out. This is especially important for young children whose teeth are still growing. Vitamin D helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphorus your teeth and bones need, distributing it evenly and where it is most needed. It also helps with decreasing any inflammation in your gums, which can help prevent the spread of gum disease and help manage the pain while you get treatment.

Eggs also have an abundance of protein, while having a low fat and carb ratio. The protein in eggs acts as a building block for teeth, which is especially important for children. A decent amount of protein can help a child's teeth grow in evenly, while calcium can help them grow strong. Protein also helps to fuel muscles, which is important in both children and adults. Your face, especially the jaw, has several muscles that are used while chewing. This helps ensure you have a strong, solid bite.

Eggs provide the most nutrition necessary for your teeth to grow big and strong. The only mineral that is missing in excess is calcium, which can be supplemented through other food groups, such as fish and dairy products. If you think you might be suffering from a vitamin or mineral deficiency and it is causing potential oral problems, give us a call today so we can give you an exam.
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